Wednesday 28 March 2012

Simple pleasures nr. 19: A cup of good espresso coffee

A cup of good espresso coffee is definitively one of the small daily delights to look forward to at the beginning a new day. For lazy persons, like me, the traditional espresso machines are often too time consuming and complicated to use. That is why I bought a capsule machine.

There are many good capsule machines to choose from. I finally bought a Nespresso Citiz, a rather basic machine, but perfect for my needs. What I do not like, is the high price of capsules, which are available only through Nespresso. 

Fortunately, a friend of mine told me about the Dutch company Coffeeduck, which manufactures and sells refillable capsules for Nespresso´s espresso machines. With the Dutch refillable cups I have the freedom to choose whatever espresso coffee I like, instead of having to buy everything from Nespresso. And the refillable cups are also an environmentally excellent choice. 

The people at Nespresso are probably not delighted, but freedom to choose benefits the consumer. Nespresso could, of course, try to hit back by e.g. lowering the price for their capsules, or perhaps beginning to sell their own refillable cups. 

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