Wednesday 5 June 2019

A bee swarm on my neighbor´s pergola

A bee swarm today landed on my neighbor´s pergola. I have never seen one before. You can go quite close to the swarm without any problems, because the bees are non-aggressive as they have no hive to protect.

Here is some background information from Wikipedia:
"In most climates, western honey bees swarm in the spring and early summer, when there is an abundance of blooming flowers from which to collect nectar and pollen. In response to these favorable conditions, the hive creates one to two dozen new queens. Just as the pupal stages of these "daughter queens" are nearly complete, the old queen and approximately two-thirds of the adult workers leave the colony in a swarm, traveling some distance to find a new location suitable for building a hive (e.g., a hollow tree trunk). In the old colony, the daughter queens often start "piping", just prior to emerging as adults,[12] and, when the daughter queens eventually emerge, they fight each other until only one remains; the survivor then becomes the new queen. If one of the sisters emerges before the others, she may kill her siblings while they are still pupae, before they have a chance to emerge as adults."

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