Tuesday 5 May 2020

Fullrigger Grace Harwar

Fullrigger Grace Harwar. My colorization of an image in the MS Maritime Museum of Denmark archive. There is no date in the museum caption, only that it is from the 20th century.
"Grace Harwar was a full-rigged steel ship built in 1889 by Wm. Hamilton & Co., Port Glasgow Yard No 69 for W. Montgomery, London. Dimensions: 266.7 × 39.1 × 23.5 ft (81.2 × 11.9 × 7.1 m) and tonnage: 1816 GRT, 1749 NRT and 1736 tons under deck. The forecastle was 31 ft (944.8 cm) long and the poop 31 ft (944.8 cm). Rigged with royal sails over double topgallant sails. The mizzen topgallant sail was single. 1913 sold to Finska Rederi AB Delfin (Georg Stenius), Helsingfors, Finland. 1916 sold to Gustav Erikson, Mariehamn, Ă…land. 1935 broken up at Charlestownon on the Firth of Forth."

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